New Adventures of Superman Seasn 2 and 3 Dvd Review

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DVD Review - "The New Adventures of Superman"

Reviewed by: Barry M. Freiman

New Adventures of Superman DVD 3 Box Art - 3: The comprehend of the box has an image of the Man of Steel that certainly resembles the Superman in the Filmation cartoons but, bluntly, is more than complex artistically than the artwork done for the show - it virtually looks like someone took the Filmation Superman and married the paradigm with the Superman of the 1940s Fleischer cartoons. Given the vocalization cast of the principles is largely the aforementioned in both cartoons, it's non an entirely inappropriate representation - though it does create the impression that the art in these cartoons is visually more than than it is. The dorsum of the box presents images that look more like they could be stills from the actual bear witness.

3 Disc Presentation - 3: There are two discs in this set. Disc one contains a movie of Lex Luthor and Mr. Mxyzptlk as they appear on the show. Disc two contains a picture of the Warlock, a villain created specifically for the evidence.

4 Content - 4: These cartoons are my cloak-and-dagger origin as they are for many other Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers. There were 2 television programs that are largely responsible for introducing me to the DC universe - 1 was the live-action "Batman" television set show and the other was "The New Adventures of Superman" (and its two successor programs "The Superman - Aquaman Hour of Adventure" and "The Batman - Superman Hour") - both premiered in 1966.

I was 2 i/2 years quondam when "The New Adventures of Superman" ("TNAOS") made its debut on CBS -- on September ten, 1966. My real-life idol at that point was my brother. At 10 years my senior, he was 12 years old and more of the target audience for these cartoons than me. He watched them so I watched them with him. And that was that. From that point on, my life revolved around Superman, Batman, and the heroes of the DCU - and it's largely been that way for the 41 years since and counting.

The original vocalisation cast of the 1940s radio testify and the 1940s cartoons from Max and Dave Fleischer -- Clayton "Bud" Collyer equally Superman/Clark Kent, Joan Alexander as Lois Lane, and Jackson Beck every bit the narrator - all returned to the Superman franchise with these 1966 'toons. In some episodes, Lois Lane's vocalization is provided by voice extra Julie Bennett.

Superman The episodes comprising the 36 different adventures included on these two DVDs essentially correspond ii-thirds of each full half-hour episode from that first flavour. As originally presented in 1966 and 1967, each half-hour episode of "TNAOS" included a six-minute "Superman" adventure, followed by a six-minute "Superboy" adventure, and ending with 1 more than vi-minute "Superman" take chances. Only the Superman tales are included here. It's likely the Superboy adventures are omitted due to ongoing legal wrangling between Warners and the heirs of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel over ownership of the Superboy grapheme.

Every two capacity on the DVDs comprise the two Superman adventures that made up each of the 18 outset season episodes of the show. That'south why only every other chapter includes the show'due south opening credits, and why the alternate chapters each end with the show's closing credits.

End Credits The one place where the "Superboy" name couldn't exist removed from these DVDs was in the closing credit listings of the vocalism cast where actor Bob Hastings is listed as the voice of Superboy. Every bit a Superman fan, I don't even care who's correct or wrong anymore in this ongoing Superboy litigation - I just want it settled. Nobody wins - not Warners, non the heirs of Jerry Siegel, and certainly not the fans - when the upshot of the copyright law is to substantially remove the Superboy character from the Human of Steel's extensive history. Copyright police shouldn't protect creators' rights to such an effect that it retroactively revises history and keeps the cosmos out of the public eye altogether. Are yous listening Warners? Are you listening Siegel family? It'south time to brand this right not for either of you but for the innocent third parties hither - the fans.

Every bit was the case with the "Batman" live-action show, these "Superman" cartoons were pretty much the comic books of the early 1960s come up to televised, animated life. That's because this season was supervised past Mort Weisinger, the man who supervised the 1950s "Adventures of Superman" and held the reins on the Human of Tomorrow'southward comic book adventures as well.

Daily Planet Superman, Clark, Lois, Jimmy, and Perry all appear every bit they did in the comics of the fourth dimension. Many of the villains appear, more than or less, equally they did - though some are simplified for a Sat morning audience. These original adventures include villains like Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Titano, the Parasite, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and the Toyman. Then there are the obligatory space aliens, monsters, and natural disasters that were hallmarks of "TNAOS" and also its successor programs involving Aquaman and other DC heroes.

I recommend this set - notwithstanding the absence of the Superboy cartoons - to nostalgia buffs who were around for the original run or saw these repeated in various re-packagings over the years (including on the U.s. network about 10 years ago).

3 Special Features - 3: The only special feature (other than some trailers) is Disc two's "Superman in '66" featurette which includes interviews with President of Warner Brothers Blitheness Sander Schwartz, DC Comics publisher Paul Levitz, DC Comics writer Mark Waid, Filmation co-founder Lou Scheimer, Filmation artist and historian Michael Swanigan, and, curiously, histrion Mark Hamill, a comic geek best known to DC fans as the voice of the Joker on "Batman: The Animated Series".

The near informative interview material comes from Filmation'due south Scheimer and historian Swanigan. At that place's a great story Scheimer shares about how Filmation bluffed DC into thinking they were a larger studio than they actually were in guild to secure the correct to do the cartoon. Unfortunately, Waid's given more screen fourth dimension than he deserves given how little really substantive information he shares.

4 Video - 4: The cartoons look fine because they're 41 years quondam, and this is coming from a 43 twelvemonth former who - like these cartoons - hasn't been remastered either.

3 Sound - three: The cartoons audio fine just the closing credits play much louder than the cartoons themselves which tin be a scrap jarring.

Annotation: At that place is a bonus preview of the upcoming "Superman - Doomsday" DVD that plays automatically when you insert the second disc -- or you can access it past going to Title 32 on disc two. Thanks to Glenn McSparran for bringing this to my attention!

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